Self Help & Peer Support - CMHA WW

Peer Support is about helping another person move on with their life – to recover. This involves:

  • Helping that person get in touch with what they think will improve their quality of life (setting recovery goals)
  • Helping them to identify and remove  barriers
  • Seeing their situation and circumstances differently:  With hope and self determination.
  • Requires the establishment of a relationship.  A relationship is built on trust, even in the first few minutes of meeting.

A Peer is anyone you share a mutual experience with. That experience can include, but is not limited too, mental health or substance use diagnosis or symptoms, and involvement with mental health/addictions systems.

It is the act of people who have had similar experiences with a mental health and/or addiction issue giving each other encouragement, hope, assistance, guidance, and understanding that aids in recovery.

Peer Support Calendars


Phone: 519-763-4014

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